Last Updated on 2023 年 2 月 5 日 by 妙喵 / Margot
歡迎你來到我的 freelancer series 跟我一起探討自由遠距工作者的樣貌:D
歡迎來到 Upwork 設定 profile 的進階設定篇,
在這篇文章中除了披露 Upwork 官網給的設定原則外,
我會針對 entry level 或技能是軟實力的人該怎麼找案件、推薦職種說明。
1|增加個別專業技能的 specialized profile
編輯路徑|大頭照 icon > Settings > My Profile > 個人頁的 profile 編輯選項
等你完成了 General Profile 的設定後,如果你有意承接其他種類的工作,
記得點 +Add Specialized Profile 新增其他技能的 profile 喔!
在 Upwork 中客戶比較容易搜尋到你的 profile。
也建議在建立 Profile 時,一併建立你的 Project Catalog,
另外,如果想加快並提升遷案成功率,建議要通過 Talent Scout 的測驗。
💡 運用 Specialized Profile 獲得更多高薪工作的實用辦法,請參考: ・ 2022年跨境遠距freelancer海外自由接案密技:Upwork接案高效策略|怎麼在接案平台Upwork獲得更多高薪工作? 💡 建立 Upwork Profile 請參考: ・ Upwork教學|12項設定秘訣建立出吸睛的自由工作者Upwork Profile 💡 了解更多增加接案率、加快拿到案子的技巧: ・ Upwork教學|自由工作者免找案源!Readiness Test讓案主主動送上工作
Upwork 的案件中有下列三種分類比較常讓新手混亂:
- 合約類型|Hourly VS. Fixed price
- 報價、付款方式|By milestone VS. By project
- 專案形式|Ongoing VS. One-time
💡 合約、報價、計價等相關編輯方式及易混淆名詞,我都有整理成中英對照的表格,請參考: ・ Upwork教學・獨立接案者Upwork接案攻略|Upwork接案賺錢:8個自由工作者遠距工作領週薪的秘密 ・ Upwork教學|TOP RATED PLUS親自傳授最完整的Upwork接案流程!freelancer自由接案就能賺到美金♪
2.1|Hourly VS. Fixed price
編輯路徑|大頭照 icon > Settings > My Profile > Hourly rate(游標移到時右上角會出現編輯 icon)
在基本 profile 設定中 hourly and fixed price 兩種,
有兩種形式發包給 Freelancer: Hourly project VS. Fixed-Price project
這兩種各有利弊,兼職或無法長時間一口氣作業的工作者建議找 Hourly project,
以時薪計算的 Hourly project 通常是比較軟技能、以件計酬的專案,例如:助理、文書處理類的工作居多。
以固定計價的 Fixed-Price project 通常是硬技能類、規模較大、無法以時薪計價量產的工作,
Hourly | Fixed-Price |
On hourly contracts you’re paid by the hour, making this a preferred option when your project requires flexibility. Examples of projects that can work well on an hourly basis include Customer Service and Technical Support. | On fixed-price contracts you’re paid a fixed amount for a project deliverable or set of delivaerables. This option is ideal when the work is more clearly defined. Examples of projects well suited for fixed-price contracts include Web Design and Mobile App Development. |
Hourly contract payments are protected by Hourly Payment Protection. Here’s how: | Fixed-price contracts are protected by Fixed-Price Payment Protection. Here’s how: |
1. Agree to the number of authorized hours with your client via the offer details page. | 1. Agree to one or more project milestones with your client, clearly outlining what you'll deliver, when you'll deliver it, and for how much. |
2. Install and track all your project time using the Upwork Desktop App. | 2. Before starting any work on the prject, wait until a milestone is funded and the money is held in escrow. |
3. Add descriptions and notes of your work to your time log. | 3. Submit your work through the Upwork platform. |
4. Quickly communicate with your client, and request approval for, any changes needed to your authorized hours. | 4. Make sure you've been paid for a milestone, and that the next one is funded, before continuing work. |
2.2|By milestone VS. By project
在你 submit proposal 時可以再針對該案件的情形,
Upwork 給 freelancers 的薪資設定也有預設兩種,
一種是 By milestone;一種是 By project。
進入 Change hourly rate 模式就可以設定你的時薪,
2.2.1|選擇 By milestone 收款的方式
2.2.2|選擇 By project 收款的方式
Client’s budget (右上角)|客戶的預算
Upwork Service Fee|Upwork 收取的服務費
You’ll Receive|你會收到的金額
出價送出 proposal 前再三確保自己的權益喔!
2.3|Ongoing VS. One-time
而 Upwork 的案件中有單次(one-time)與長期續約(onging)的兩種類型,
我是承接 ongoing 的專案為主,省掉一直找案源的麻煩。
💡 想知道 Upwork 完整的接案流程,請參考: ・ Upwork教學|TOP RATED PLUS親自傳授最完整的Upwork接案流程!freelancer自由接案就能賺到美金♪
希望能將實現遠距工作、以 Upwork 接案及技能進修的學習成長經驗分享給各位,讓大家減少踩雷的機會。
歡迎合作邀約、諮詢|[email protected]